who we are

We are a network of Jews in the New York metropolitan area working towards positive solutions to climate change. We stand upon the teachings, traditions, and prophetic voices of Judaism that compel us to protect the Earth and its inhabitants.

We are a diverse and inclusive community, welcoming to new members. Whether you’re a climate activist who’s Jewish or a Jew who wants to get involved in climate activism, we can help you make the connection, learn and make a difference.

our vision

Our approach to climate work is justice-based. We envision a world where individuals, communities, and the government come together to act on climate and create a sustainable planet and life for all. Our work towards that vision is informed by our Jewish values.

“Take care not to be lured away to serve other gods and prostrate to them. For God’s anger will flare up and He will stop up the heavens: there won’t be rain, the earth will not give forth its crops, and you will quickly perish from the good land that God gives you” (Deuteronomy 11:16-17)